Cloud Backup service

Cloud backup enhances data security

Ciągłość działania firm i organizacji w coraz większym stopniu zależy od systemów IT Each failure or even temporary unavailability of a key service causes downtime, which translates into financial and reputation losses.

In the digital age, data is a critical resource, which is why it is so important to protect against data loss. Cloud backup is usually the last resort when security systems, procedures fail, or when someone simply makes a mistake.


of organizations have significant gaps in data protection


of organizations were vulnerable to a ransomware attack last year


of data is irrecoverable
after a cyber attack

Veeam Cloud Connect

What is cloud backup
using Veeam Cloud Connect

Backup as a Service is the outsourcing of the area of creating, storing and restoring backup copies. The service provider not only maintains the necessary infrastructure and systems, but also manages the backup process for its clients.

The service can be provided in two ways:

The fastest and simplest method of securing data.

Backups are stored both on the local backup server and in the data center of the service provider. Restoring can take place from a local or cloud repository.

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The fastest and simplest method of securing data.

Backups are stored both on the local backup server and in the data center of the service provider. Odtwarzanie odbywać może się z lokalnego lub chmurowego repozytorium.

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Main benefits of cloud backup

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What do you need a cloud backup for?

Having an off-site backup (e.g. in the cloud) protects data and systems along with configurations against loss. Damage or destruction of data may occur as a result of destructive activity that may affect the primary processing center. While fire or flooding in a server room are rather rare, malware or ransomware, or simply human error, occur frequently and their consequences can also be catastrophic.

A remote backup, i.e. offsite backup, makes:

We can restore data and systems even if local backups are damaged or encrypted for ransom.

We gain the ability to perform emergency recovery in the cloud (Disaster Recovery), for example, when local servers are damaged. Then, you can run full-fledged virtual machines from backup images and work directly from the provider’s cloud

We can significantly increase the retention of backup copies, i.e. their “lifetime” without incurring investment costs in expanding the local repository.

Rules 3-2-1-0

The 3-2-1-0 rule is quite a neat packaging for a generally quite logical concept in the field of data storage and security. The idea is that the data should always be in three copies, on two different carriers, and one copy should be stored outside the center where the data is processed. . Finally, the backup must be error-free. Enough theory, time to look at practice.

The idea is that the data should always be in three copies, on two different carriers, and one copy should be stored outside the center where the data is processed. Finally, the backup must be error-free.


We assume that the first “instance” is the production data we are working on, the second copy is a cyclical snapshot to the backup server, and the third “data instance” is the copy located in the cloud.


In this way, we have achieved compliance with the principle that the data should be on two different media, because in addition to the source of production data processed on the array, we also have a copy of it on an external backup server.


Off-site copy, i.e. off-site, for example in the service provider’s cloud or in another facility, if we have more than one location. Of course, this must happen automatically as one of the backup tasks.


Zero means that it will be possible to restore data from a backup, i.e. we verify in some way whether it is possible to restore data from a backup. Some backup systems offer this possibility.

A more orthodox rule is 3-2-1-1-0, in which the additional “1” represents a particular copy of the data in the remote location. In this case, the point is to ensure galvanic separation of the stored backup copy from the Internet or to guarantee its invariability. This may be, for example, a copy stored on tape in a bank safe deposit box or a backup saved on a “durable medium”, e.g. on a WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many) array.

Explore BaaS readiness

Check to what extent Backup as a Service fits the realities of your organization?

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VCC technology

What is Veeam Cloud Connect

Veeam® Cloud Connect (VCC) technology is designed to simplify backup operations, regardless of where or how data is processed. It is a kind of link between various environments, as it allows you to backup both physical servers and popular virtualization engines, but also virtual machines working in the cloud.

Along with the VCC technology, specialized providers have appeared in the market who, being certified participants of the Veeam Cloud Service Provider program, provide Backup as a Service.


How does cloud
backup work?

The Veeam Backup & Replication system is installed in the client’s local server room (on a physical or virtual machine). Afterwards, a backup job is created with the indication of the cloud repository.

Initiating a backup task starts the following steps:


The client-side Veeam backup system sends a request to one of the Cloud Gateways to access the Cloud Repository, and the gateway forwards the request to the Veeam Service Provider’s backup server.


The backup server on the Service Provider’s side provides a TLS certificate and establishes a secure connection to the backup system on the client’s side.


Before the transfer of copies begins, verification process whether they have been encrypted takes place. If so, then the virtual machine data from the client side is transported through the Cloud Gateway to the Veeam Service Provider repository.


The process of restoring backups is similar. The client’s backup server creates a secure communication channel with the cloud repository via the Cloud Gateway and downloads virtual machine data from the service provider’s cloud repository.

Want to see how cloud backup works?


Variants of the Cloud Backup service

By adapting Cloud Backup to various implementation scenarios, we have distinguished two basic service variants.

Off-site Backup

Secure backups from destruction or overwriting in a Polish data center. If you have Veeam Backup & Replication, activating an INDEPENDENT repository along with configuring a backup copy job is a matter of
a few minutes.

Backup as a Service

This is the best solution when you need to fully outsource the backup process or are only interested in Veeam licenses. Outsourcing may include implementation along with the creation of a backup policy and administrative care of the backup system.

Service calculator

How much is the backup service?

In the calculator, you should indicate the number and type of systems that will be covered by backup. The type of system affects the price, which results from the manufacturer’s licensing method.

Each backed-up machine (server, VM, cloud VM, or workstation) must be licensed. Even if you already have Veeam, you will still need connection licenses.

Once you create your calculation, you can also order a cloud backup. For full service, we will contact you to clarify the number and type of Veeam software licenses.

Service calculator

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How secure is cloud backup?

Cloud Service Provider

How to choose the right Cloud Service Provider?

Veeam Software qualifies and recognizes Veeam Cloud Connect technology providers through certification in the Veeam Cloud Service Provider (VCSP) program.

The list of suppliers is available on the manufacturer’s websites. Each Cloud Connect Backup provider must have an active contract with the distributor to legally provide services.

Before you decide to choose a service provider,
it is worth checking a few things.

Storage location

Where exactly will the backup copies be stored, i.e. the location of the Data Center is known. Sometimes internal rules or sector regulations do not allow data to be processed outside the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Access to Veem Service Provider Console

Is access to the Veeam Service Provider Console, i.e. a web console enabling presentation of the status of ongoing and historical backup tasks, and the ability to export this data to a text file, a part of the service?

Unencrypted data

Does the operator accept unencrypted data? For security reasons, the Service Provider should automatically reject backups that have not been encrypted before being sent to the Data Center. This simplifies issues related to outsourcing the processing of personal data.

Possibility to test the service

Possibility to test the service without any commitments, i.e. “trust, but verify”. Testing is the best way to see for yourself how services work, including:

  1. at what speed backups will be transmitted during storage and recovery,
  2. whether only encrypted copies of data are accepted,
  3. what is visible in the service’s web portal,
  4. how the backup solution works while using a low-speed Internet connection.

Managing process

Does the Service Provider provide ‘Backup as a Service’ as a managed service, and so is it possible to delegate the entire process of handling backups to the provider?

Storage location

Where exactly will the backup copies be stored, i.e. the location of the Data Center is known. Sometimes internal rules or sector regulations do not allow data to be processed outside the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Access to Veem Service Provider Console

Is access to the Veeam Service Provider Console, i.e. a web console enabling presentation of the status of ongoing and historical backup tasks, and the ability to export this data to a text file, a part of the service?

Unencrypted data

Does the operator accept unencrypted data? For security reasons, the Service Provider should automatically reject backups that have not been encrypted before being sent to the Data Center. This simplifies issues related to outsourcing the processing of personal data.

Possibility to test the service

Possibility to test the service without any commitments, i.e. “trust, but verify”. Testing is the best way to see for yourself how services work, including:

  1. at what speed backups will be transmitted during storage and recovery,
  2. whether only encrypted copies of data are accepted,
  3. what is visible in the service’s web portal,
  4. how the backup solution works while using a low-speed Internet connection.

Managing process

Does the Service Provider provide ‘Backup as a Service’ as a managed service, and so is it possible to delegate the entire process of handling backups to the provider?

Veeam advantages

Why do customers choose Veeam?

Gartner has named Veeam® a Magic Quadrant Leader for the seventh time based on superior ability to execute and completeness of vision.

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Global leader in data protection


Over 400,000 customers


Veeam protects more than 83% of Fortune 500 companies


Very high level of customer loyalty (NPS: 82)

24 tys

Over 24,000 service providers

What distinguishes Flowberg IT.

We combine the experience of an integrator
and a service provider.

We have been deploying Veeam Software solutions to our customers for many years, so we are very familiar with the problems IT teams face on a daily basis.

At the same time, we built a Veeam Cloud Connect environment in a multi-tenant architecture, which we placed in a professional data center. Based on advanced data center facilities, we develop cloud solutions for B2B customers.

How to run Veeam Backup?

Two service delivery scenarios are possible. The first one is simply a cloud repository for backups, i.e. off-site backup.

The second scenario is a full BaaS service with application rental and backup system management by the Flowberg IT.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Implementation of good data protection practices, and therefore the implementation of the 3-2-1-0 rule. This rule states that three copies of data should be stored on two different media, including one off-site backup, and that the backup should be tested for accuracy. Thanks to the cloud backup service, you do not incur the costs of investing in resources for a second location. You only pay for the used repository and licenses.

Our service is based on Veeam® Software technology, and access to repositories is provided thanks to Veeam Cloud Connect. Veeam Backup & Replication manages the client-side backup system and currently supports backup of the following environments:

  • Virtual: VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and Nutanix AHV
  • Physical: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac, IBM AIX and Oracle Solaris
  • Cloud: AWS instances and Microsoft Azure virtual machines (VMs)
  • Enterprise applications: SAP HANA and Oracle RMAN
  • Network shares: NAS

The VBR application is necessary to make copies in our cloud. Fortunately, as part of the service, we can also lease appropriate licenses. The cost of such a license depends on the type of environment we will be protecting. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the BaaS service calculator.

In a TIER3 class data center located in Wrocław. The copies are stored on two independent disk arrays. Backups are not replicated outside the territorial boundaries of the Republic of Poland. See description and photos.

NO. Our system verifies that backups are encrypted before transmitting from the client’s location. Therefore, it is not possible to send a backup to the central repository unless it is encrypted using the AES algorithm with a 256 bit key. Thus, it is impossible to view data from the copy without knowing the password that was used during encryption.

Unfortunately, in this case, the backups will not be able to be decrypted. We do not have any mechanism that would decrypt such backups. A good practice is to store the password used to encrypt backups in a safe, to which only the management or owners of the company have access. If you need some advice on how to create a strong password, read this article.

Both Veeam Agent and Veeam Backup & Replication connect to the service via the Internet using the SSL protocol and port 6180. Access to the Service Panel do Service Panel is also provided via the Internet using the secure SSL protocol.

The required bandwidth depends on the size of backup copies transferred as part of individual backup tasks. Larger copies require more bandwidth. In order to shorten the backup window, it is recommended to use connections with a throughput of 500 Mbps and higher. In case of low bandwidth connections, e.g. 100Mbps, we recommend enabling the WAN accelerator when configuring the backup task. This option optimizes data transfers between the client and the cloud repository.

Check where data backups are physically stored and where your company’s server resources are located. Very often it turns out that both production and backup data are located in one room. In extreme cases, backup copies are stored on the same array where production data is processed. In the event of fire, flood, theft or cyber attack, the data and their copies will be destroyed. That is why it is so important to systematically perform backup tasks to an external facility.

Implementation of good data protection practices, and therefore the implementation of the 3-2-1-0 rule. This rule states that three copies of data should be stored on two different media, including one off-site backup, and that the backup should be tested for accuracy. Thanks to the cloud backup service, you do not incur the costs of investing in resources for a second location. You only pay for the used repository and licenses.

Our service is based on Veeam® Software technology, and access to repositories is provided thanks to Veeam Cloud Connect. Veeam Backup & Replication manages the client-side backup system and currently supports backup of the following environments:

  • Virtual: VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V and Nutanix AHV
  • Physical: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac, IBM AIX and Oracle Solaris
  • Cloud: AWS instances and Microsoft Azure virtual machines (VMs)
  • Enterprise applications: SAP HANA and Oracle RMAN
  • Network shares: NAS

The VBR application is necessary to make copies in our cloud. Fortunately, as part of the service, we can also lease appropriate licenses. The cost of such a license depends on the type of environment we will be protecting. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the BaaS service calculator.

In a TIER3 class data center located in Wrocław. The copies are stored on two independent disk arrays. Backups are not replicated outside the territorial boundaries of the Republic of Poland. See description and photos.

NO. Our system verifies that backups are encrypted before transmitting from the client’s location. Therefore, it is not possible to send a backup to the central repository unless it is encrypted using the AES algorithm with a 256 bit key. Thus, it is impossible to view data from the copy without knowing the password that was used during encryption.

Unfortunately, in this case, the backups will not be able to be decrypted. We do not have any mechanism that would decrypt such backups. A good practice is to store the password used to encrypt backups in a safe, to which only the management or owners of the company have access. If you need some advice on how to create a strong password, read this article.

Both Veeam Agent and Veeam Backup & Replication connect to the service via the Internet using the SSL protocol and port 6180. Access to the Service Panel is also provided via the Internet using the secure SSL protocol.

The required bandwidth depends on the size of backup copies transferred as part of individual backup tasks. . Larger copies require more bandwidth. In order to shorten the backup window, it is recommended to use connections with a throughput of 500 Mbps and higher. In case of low bandwidth connections, e.g. 100Mbps, we recommend enabling the WAN accelerator when configuring the backup task. This option optimizes data transfers between the client and the cloud repository.

Check where data backups are physically stored and where your company’s server resources are located. Very often it turns out that both production and backup data are located in one room. In extreme cases, backup copies are stored on the same array where production data is processed. In the event of fire, flood, theft or cyber attack, the data and their copies will be destroyed. That is why it is so important to systematically perform backup tasks to an external facility.


We have dual GOLD status in the Veeam Value Added Reseller and Veeam Cloud & Service Provider programs.

FLOWBERG IT has been operating in the IT industry since 2018, and the experience of people working in our company dates back to the 1990s. We provide IT services in the areas of IT infrastructure, system integration, security and software.

Flowberg IT Sp. z o.o. | ul. Sucha 3, 50-086 Wrocław | NIP 8943125802 | REGON 369508965 | KRS 0000719384

The company is entered into the National Register of Entrepreneurs, whose registration files are kept by the District Court for Wrocław Fabryczna in Wrocław, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register. Share capital: 100,000 PLN.



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  • 50-086 Wrocław

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  • Borowska 283b
  • 50-556 Wrocław

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