Open Source Intelligence

Choose Flowberg IT’s new advanced service of collecting and analyzing information from publicly available sources, tailored to your needs.

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In-depth analysis
combining data from various sources

Information obtained through OSINT is crucial in making informed business decisions, which contributes to better planning,
assessing the likelihood of individual threats, assessing risk and the overall success of enterprises.

How does OSINT Flowberg IT work?


Competency analysis

Research on market strategies and activities provides ready-made information to use and develop your own business strategies.


Identifying social connections

By analyzing the relationships between individuals and organizations, we will help you better understand the social
and business structures used in strategic planning and risk management


A multidimensional approach

OSINT also includes social media analysis (SOCMINT), personal reconnaissance (HUMINT) and
the analysis of images and geospatial data (GEOINT). Our multidimensional approach enables comprehensive activities, obtaining and selecting information and understanding the most complex issues.


Behavioral analysis

Advanced tools and methods that we use in our OSINT analysis ensure accuracy
in obtaining and analyzing data, which increases the effectiveness of decisions made, significantly reducing their time.

Companies can build solid and conscious competences in the collection and analysis of information from open
sources thanks to OSINT training.

Contact us to learn about our capabilities and plan a personalized training plan.

OSINT Flowberg IT

OSINT is needed where quick access to information can support decision-making, market analysis, risk management and operational activities. Thanks to the open interview, you will increase your market advantage, improve safety and make informed decisions.

Market research

Our OSINT activities enable us to learn and track economic trends, customer preferences, and the needs and expectations of our competitors Thanks to this, you can adapt your strategy
and offer to changing market conditions.

Competition Monitoring

Using personalized OSINT, you can track your competitors’ activities and strategies. You will find out what campaigns they run and what products or services they introduce to the market. This knowledge
empowers the company to better adapt and improve its own operations.

Expertise and specialization

Flowberg IT’s team of OSINT experts specializes in a variety of activities, offering comprehensive support in the field of business intelligence and digital
security. We prepare reliable verification of information sources such as
up-to-date data, selection, validation, fight against disinformation.

Early detection of threats

By analyzing the available information, you can detect potential threats to the company, such as a cyber attack, degradation of the brand image, negative influence of public opinion. Responding quickly to these threats is key in minimizing their impact on your business and protecting your company’s reputation.

Gaining real advantages

OSINT analysis that we provide for the client allows you to verify the activities of competitors, such as strategies, preferences, opinions and behaviors. They allow you to learn about trends and customer needs in order to identify a market where your business can be successful.

Information analysis

Our OSINT activities enable the identification of potential markets, analysis of demographic data, and help in
understanding local trends, customer preferences and needs, as well as potential challenges and risks. Thanks to the OSINT process carefully planned for the client, companies can more precisely plan their market entry strategies, minimizing undesirable factors
and increasing the chances of success.

We carry out our tasks in the areas of:

Verification of contractors

Business intelligence

Analysis of candidates for employment

Analysis of social connections

Reconnaissance for cybersecurity

Analysis of entities competing and selected through auction

Analysis of entities competing and selected through auction

OSINT training for companies

OSINT Flowberg IT main benefits

The highest level of services provided

Flowberg IT has the best dedicated team of experts in Poland. We have facilities and infrastructure that enable safe storage and analysis of materials, including classified materials, in a protected Data Center building.


Thanks to OSINT, it is possible to obtain current data, which is crucial for market analysis, document assessment and verification of business history.


Using publicly available information eliminates the risk of violating privacy or copyright, which is important when verifying the authenticity of documents and analyzing metadata. The benchmark of our activities is the legal team, which supports us at every
stage of implementation and guarantees the legality and transparency of our activities in cooperation with the client.

Detailed analysis

OSINT allows for in-depth analysis , by combining data from various sources, which is crucial when verifying connections at many levels, including: broadly understood identification
and analysis of traces of activity on the Internet, correspondence between contractors and assessment of quality requirements in accordance with applicable law.


One of our main priorities and assumptions is flexibility in operation. We adapt our OSINT analysis to specific customer requirements, which is crucial in various industries, scale of operations and limited time.

Cost and time

Thanks to our proprietary development of the OSINT analysis process, we significantly reduce costs and save time on the client’s side, thanks to low data costs, quick access, flexibility and scalability of activities. This allows you to optimize the collection and use of data needed in the process of rapid response in the business environment.

How to begin cooperation?

Contact us, after a free consultation, we will determine the scope and purpose of intel gathering activities, which we will conduct in accordance with the mutually agreed arrangements.

Jakub Karmowski

Director of the OSINT Departament

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FLOWBERG IT has been operating in the IT industry since 2018, and the experience of people working in our company dates back to the 1990s. We provide IT services in the areas of IT infrastructure, system integration, security and software.

Flowberg IT Sp. z o.o. | ul. Sucha 3, 50-086 Wrocław | NIP 8943125802 | REGON 369508965 | KRS 0000719384

The company is entered into the National Register of Entrepreneurs, whose registration files are kept by the District Court for Wrocław Fabryczna in Wrocław, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register. Share capital: 100,000 PLN.



  • Sucha 3
  • 50-086 Wrocław

Office in Wrocław

  • Borowska 283b
  • 50-556 Wrocław

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